Virtual appointments are a highly effective and efficient means of staying in touch. These sessions can be used for initial injury assessment, follow up appointments and clinical exercise sessions. 

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Setting up Your Physiotherapy Virtual Appointments

You will need:

  1. A laptop or phone (make sure to have enough battery power or plug your device in!)
  2. Good internet access to facilitate an appointment
  3. A quiet space to carry out the session

The process is simpler than most people expect, once we process your booking we will send you a link to click on when it is time for your appointment. When you click on the provided link your computer or phone will open a window to your private and secure virtual appointment with your therapist.

We will also email to you advice regarding where best to position yourself for your appointment and detail any exercise equipment if required. 

What to Expect from Physiotherapy Virtual Appointments

A typical virtual appointment for a new injury will involve

  1. A thorough discussion for us to understand how your injury happened and how it is affecting you
  2. Physical assessment – we will guide you through a series of movements and tests to assist us in determining your specific injury
  3. Education and advice about your condition and how to best manage it with your current lifestyle (eg. Work, sport)
  4. An appropriate tailored exercise program to get you on the road to recovery