Do I need a referral?

For private physiotherapy, TAC and Workcover you do not need a referral from your doctor, if your doctor has written a referral please bring it to your appointment as it will contain helpful information. 

For DVA funded appointments yes you need a referral from one of: a  general practitioner (GP), medical specialist, treating doctor in hospital or a hospital discharge planner.

All appointments

Please bring any referrals and relevant test results

Physiotherapy Appointments

Please wear loose comfortable clothing and consider the body parts we may need access to when choosing your outfit. Eg. For a knee condition, you may choose to wear a pair of shorts or bring a pair of shorts to change into at the clinic

Exercise classes

Please bring grip socks, a bottle of water and wear suitable exercise clothing. If wearing loose fitting shorts it is best to wear close fitting shorts or compression shorts underneath. 


Physio Bike Fit

Please ensure your bike is clean and ready for adjustments. Wear your usual cycling shorts or knicks with a top or jersey of contrasting colour for clarity. Don’t forget your bike shoes if you use these! Please ensure the cleats on your shoes are clean and screws are adjustable. If you have any spare parts for your bike to facilitate set up please bring these too. 


Running Analysis

Please wear close but comfortable fitting exercise clothes and a contrasting colour of tops and bottoms. Shorts or leggings/ run tights are acceptable. You will need your usual running shoes also, if you have a few different types of running shoes it is best to bring them all for consideration. 

Your therapist will greet you at reception and invite you into your private treatment room where you will have our full attention for the duration of the appointment. You can absolutely bring a relative or friend or your children as needed and as you feel comfortable with (note please avoid this as possible during COVID 19 pandemic).

We start with a chat about your current problem, capturing all the details of your condition or injury and how it is affecting you. We also seek to understand your daily life (work, home commitments, sport etc) and medical history as this may impact your care and goals.

Next we perform a series of physical tests to help us figure out what is causing your pain and form a clinical diagnosis. From here we explain our findings to you and outline our treatment plan and how it aligns with your goals. With your permission, we will implement your individual treatment plan. Treatment may include hands on physiotherapy (mobilisiation, soft tissue work, dry needling and taping), education, advice and exercise prescription.

At the end of the appointment we will recommend when we need to see you next (if we need to – this is based on the individual and their condition) and ensure you know how to reach us if you have any questions. If we need to talk to your doctor/ specialist we will let you know. If your therapist thinks speaking to your coach will be of benefit to you we will seek your permission for this.


Yes we accept Chronic Disease Management plans from your GP. Please note you will need to pay your appointment fee directly to us on the day of treatment. We will then process your appointment with Medicare and the Medicare rebate will be sent directly to your bank account. Medicare does not cover the full appointment fee so there will be a gap fee charged. If you are having financial difficulty and are concerned regarding the gap fee please contact us to discuss your individual situation.


Yes we accept TAC clients. Please note we will require you to pay your appointment fee directly to us on the day of treatment and we will provide you with a receipt for claiming from TAC. Please note TAC may not reimburse all of our fee. 


Yes we accept clients under Workcover. Please note  we require you to pay your appointment fee directly to us on the day of treatment and we will provide you with a receipt for claiming from your insurer. Please note your insurer may not reimburse all of our fee. 


Yes we accept DVA clients, please ensure you have a current referral from your GP/ medical specialist/ treating hospital doctor or hospital discharge planner.

Yes,  NDIS clients are welcome to attend for appointments at The Physio Room. Please note that we are not NDIS registered providers; this means that you will need to pay us directly for your appointment on the day and then claim the session back from NDIS yourself. Both self managed and plan managed clients can access our services.

At The Physio Room we strive to be the best that we can be and to more than meet your needs. If you have any feedback or suggestions these will be gratefully received. Please email or phone the clinic or speak to us in person. If you prefer anonymous feedback look out for our surveys that will be conducted intermittently through the year.

Travel by train 

We are 140m on foot from Hampton train station via Railway Crescent. 


There are multiple 2 hour parking spots on Small Street and surrounding streets. Please allow time to find a parking space before your appointment 

Please note that we require 24 hours notice for the cancellation of any appointment or class at The Physio Room. Please cancel via phone call /email (a voicemail is adequate), or via the link in your confirmation email. 

The following fees will apply, if adequate notice is not given:

  • less than 24 hours notice, but more than 6 hours: 50% of appointment fee
  • less than 6 hours notice: 100% of appointment fee
  • Failure to attend (no advance notice): 100% of appointment fee


If we can successfully fill your appointment time at short notice, we will not charge cancellation fees. When cancelling with less than 24 hours notice, or after a failure to attend, please provide the reason for cancellation / non-attendance for review. We will give your situation due consideration and the fee may be waived in exceptional circumstances.

In relation to COVID-19, late cancellation fees will be waived if you are anyone in your household is symptomatic, has been advised to self isolate or is awaiting COVID 19 test results – please do not attend the clinic under any of these circumstances.

What steps are you taking in the clinic to prevent the spread of COVID 19?

  • Our physiotherapists are fully vaccinated against COVID 19.
  • We offer home visits and virtual appointments to those who need to limit their contact.
  • If your therapist is not already wearing a face mask,  you can request that we do and we will absolutely comply, no questions asked.
  • We request that all clients do not attend any appointment or class at the clinic if they, or anyone in their household have covid 19 symptoms. Cancellation and non attendance fees have been waived for suspected/ confirmed COVID 19 cases to encourage compliance
  • Where possible, we ask that new clients complete our online registration form, linked on the appointment confirmation email. Paper forms are still available in clinic for those who require them.
  • We have multiple alcohol gel pumps around the clinic and recommend their use on arrival and departure from the clinic.
  • Philips Air purifiers are located in both the treatment room and gym space.
  • All clinic equipment is disinfected between individual use.

Please contact us if you have specific concerns relating COVID 19, we can facilitate you being the first client of the day where possible.